I like the idea of modern country clubs. Maybe they could be less snobby, more inclusive and focused on wellness.

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The chatGPT instagram feed roast is so fascinating to me. I feel like ChatGPT got so many queries that it became really good at roasting? Like the kind of feedback I got when I tried it out was the by far the most humanlike response I've gotten from ai so far...I thought the "trend" was notable to me because it was the first time I've felt that way using chatGPT/ Gemini

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ooooh that's so interesting! maybe the more human prompts we give it, the better it will be. by that logic, assume it's great at first date follow up and situationship breakup texts 😂

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Sep 2·edited Sep 2Liked by Sabena 🪄

The brand feels vacuous. I can't bring myself to engage with it but I guess it fits the TikTok algo world.

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fair enough! yes, it definitely does. I personally find the design aesthetic timeless & some of the pieces stylish, but others are wildly overpriced. and agree that the name definitely gives vacuous

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Ok, set with my dinner convo topics for the week. Thank you! ♥️

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Aug 31Liked by Sabena 🪄

I had never heard of this brand! I have belonged to just such a gym. It had all of those components - it already exists, in some markets at least.

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so cool! other markets are definitely ahead of (most) US cities!

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Aug 30Liked by Sabena 🪄

thank you so much for the shout out...your pub inspires me!!

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aw thank you!!

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My favorite so far , if possible could you do one on Summer Fridays brand

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Another amazing read. Definitely start a matchmaking component please! Love you!

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